This is us.
We are two sisters. Two brothers. And two married couples. Put simply: a large family. In addition to sharing the name, the four of us share the work in the vineyard. The fruit of our labour is named Gross & Gross. And yet, we started out small: with Jakobi. Gradually Mitzi, Flein and Fortuna were added. There’s something in store for everyone. For both you and us.

Gross & Gross products should be fun. We fully support each other in coming up with new ideas: anything quirky and offbeat is encouraged. Experimenting endorsed!
For us, Gross & Gross means the freedom to explore. When working at our other two wineries (Weingut Gross and Vino Gross), we are no less creative, but Gross & Gross is something completely different. This is precisely what makes Jakobi and co. so exciting. We take our ideas – sometimes paired with a little courage – to create something entirely new. From this perspective, Gross & Gross appears to be more of a playground than a vineyard. The taste of our products is equally exciting. Not merely for us, but for everyone who endeavours to enjoy them.
What we really enjoy the most is working together as siblings and as a family. Each of the four of us – Martina and Maria, Johannes and Michael – contributes with his or her strengths. The forte of Gross & Gross is reflected in our products. Speaking of which…

Maria and Michael Gross are part of the Gross & Gross family. With their own winery Vino Gross in Slovenia, they have fulfilled their heart’s desire.
What defines Gross & Gross?
Clearly, our brotherly/sisterly love. Being able to trust, and as Johannes believes, that each of us does our best. We know each other inside out and what to expect from each other. At the same time, we all enjoy being surprised by our products from time to time. All of us agree that Gross & Gross should be fun. And it is indeed. Be it when experimenting or when we sit down together for a glass of wine after our work is done.
The exciting thing about work?
The carefree way we approach things. All the uncharted territory that we enter – both in terms of our products as well as in terms of us as a family. Then there’s the creative way of working. Maria sums it up pretty well. She says that it’s all about one of us saying something which gets picked up by the next, and the third person contemplates it by exchanging ideas with the fourth and everyone else … and in the end, there’s always something to drink.
Often, it’s a flash of inspiration of any one of us that the other then becomes fixated on exploring further. Such ideas are not put aside but receive the necessary latitude, gaining momentum through the team play of four individuals who play well together.
The biggest challenge?
With all honesty, our great strength can sometimes be a real challenge. Martina, for example, does not always find it an easy undertaking to square four circles. Fortunately, we agree on most occasions, though. For example, we all want to create superb and innovative products that can establish themselves on the market. Michi fully subscribes to that, and he is quite right. With it, the independence of Gross & Gross has always been incredibly important to us. Gross & Gross is neither Weingut Gross nor is it Vino Gross. Only at Gross & Gross we’re all in one bunch.
Can we still stand the sight of each other
Yes, definitely! In fact, we ask ourselves what we are going to do next year, in 2023, when we no longer live together in one household. In this respect, it was a rather smart move to have founded Gross & Gross a few years ago. We not only see each other a lot privately as we enjoy spending time together, but also meet frequently for work. This will not change in the future either. We could now claim that we had plotted the grand scale before. Truth is, we just like each other and have been blessed with family bliss.

Martina and Johannes Gross are the other part of the Gross & Gross family. They run the renowned winery in Ratsch, guiding its way to future.

Jakobi is a genuine South Styrian. A Sauvignon Blanc which can only be found here. Spicy and elegant. Year in, year out.

Mitzi is our Gelber Muskateller. Full of vim and vigour, it reflects pure South Styrian joie de vivre.
Fortuna Minor

Discovering our Pet Nat is always a lucky find as there are reasons abound to celebrate life’s effervescence.

Flein is single-variety grape juice of the highest quality. Both quality and grape variety are reflected in its very palatable taste.
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