We are two sisters. Two brothers. And two married couples. Put simply: a large family. In addition to sharing the name, the four of us share the work in the vineyard. The fruit of our labour is named Gross & Gross.

Jakobi is a genuine South Styrian. A Sauvignon Blanc which can only be found here. Spicy and elegant. Year in, year out.

Mitzi is our Gelber Muskateller. Full of vim and vigour, it reflects pure South Styrian joie de vivre.
Fortuna Minor

Discovering our Pet Nat is always a lucky find as there are reasons abound to celebrate life’s effervescence.

Flein is single-variety grape juice of the highest quality. Both quality and grape variety are reflected in its very palatable taste.
Gute Neuigkeiten
Euch interessiert, was bei uns passiert? Dann gleich unseren Newsletter abonnieren und Teil des Gross & Gross Freundeskreises werden. So erfahrt ihr immer als erstes, wenn’s was Neues gibt. Den jüngsten Jahrgang, zum Beispiel.

We often see that a flash of inspiration in one of us sparks ideas in the head of the others. Rather than falling into oblivion they often lead to a common project.